Reflection of Inner Resonance

Life is the reflection of our inner resonance, although it’s doesn’t work the way the mind would guess. Your resonance creates your world, but only to a small degree. More accurate, our resonance creates the vibratory field that is our world. It’s collective, communal, interdependent—a network of resonance that does not simply include, but is …

What is Home if it is not Here?

What happened today? I knew that I was struggling with physical manifestations, deep in the experience of the lack of control I had over my own body. The digestive re-patterning, as my friend Paula called it, a severe understatement. The re-occurrence of the little sores I have battled since the late years of Ken’s illness …

The Womb of Cooperation

“Then will they know the vision I saw when I said, Many shall seek to enter in and shall not, for straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life. For, without the true appreciation of the Christ Ideal and of the divine and perfect plan of the cooperation of …


Today was one of those days. What started as small dust devils dancing and playing near the ground, joined together into a dust storm of epic proportions, a true Sahara Desert haboob. It felt like my body was tied to two horses. One horse pulled me towards desire, the other pulled me away from aversion. …

Waking Up

Phil: “What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t today.” If you haven’t watched the movie Groundhog Day in a while, do. So many lines will simply roll you over in laughter and leave you breathless on the floor. What year did the movie come out? 1993. Who was I then? I saw it. I …

Conscious Lovers

What was the word …the word you used to describe your identity, that part of your identity that must be released, and is so sweetly unraveling? As I searched my memory, my Now while laying in bed, not drifting off to sleep … so many words came to me, neatly stacked bundles of cloth disguised …