
Underneath belief lies fear: every belief, beliefs in religion, beliefs in science, beliefs in humans. Beliefs — this is true — hide fear. Every. Single. One. It’s the reason humans go to war. They are at war within themselves. The inner sense of absolute power, genius and presence is at war with the outer sense …

The Grail

Experience is the path to the Holy Grail, the finger pointing to the moon, a Zen koan, the sweet sound of a dharma bell. Experience, just as it is in this moment is the perfect prefect, the sacred enforcer, the blackboard on which life with its pieces of chalk writes, “Look carefully and see what’s …


Most of us on what is called the spiritual path want to awaken for a reason: to finally be enough, to feel it, to know it without question and find peace within; to be accepted, included, not standing on the outside looking in, not separate from life; to find meaning, purpose in what often feels …

Elusive Truth

Does truth exist? Seems pretty flexible. What might be true for me may seem like voo-doo to you. What feels right to a rightist feels wrong to one who isn’t. Truth, at least what passes for truth here, causes wars, splits families, causes untold damage and yet many want it, spend their lives seeking for …

The Face of God

When I see you, it is the face of God I perceive. Touching you, it is the body of God I feel. In truth there is no me, no you, there is only God appearing as all things, all experiences, appearances arising and falling in Godmind. All perceptions hold within them this mystery, not a …

House of Mirrors

Life’s a wondrous game of hide ‘n seek and life itself is the only player, reflecting itself to itself through the infinite forms of the mirrors of manifestation. So many analogies …. a fun house mirror that splits the real into countless rippling images or that old tv program, ‘I’ve Got a Secret’ that always …

The Stuffing Inside

It doesn’t sound so easy to stop and ‘be you’ when all you want is a different you, a different experience than the one that has you in its crosshairs. Honestly, and said without even the tiniest bit of judgment, it may not be possible to quit running, to stop listening to the chatter inside …


Last night I watched “The Last Samurai” … again. It is one of my favorite movies. I seem to never tire of it and its shower of lessons. I love the script, the way the story tells of honor, of devoting oneself to perfection in all you pursue, of looking for and finding perfection in …