Absolutely. Nothing. To. Do. With. It.

Sophia and I had a lovely walk this morning along Vancouver Lake. It ended up consuming enough energy that she’s currently crashed on the floor at my feet, something that rarely happens so early in the day. I guess the 3.5-mile mark did it. I feel pretty good but definitely need to stretch. Soph and …

The Certainty of Uncertainty

We humans are fascinating creatures. I speak as we since I generally find commonality in our human condition(ing). I realize many gurus point to the possibility of overcoming the human condition, offering a variety of titillating escape routes, but I cannot imagine how that could be. Living is living after all. It is duality roiling …

Freeze Frame

When you experience another in the space prior to their closely held beliefs, when they abandon their identity if even for a moment and expose their vulnerability, you are blessed with delicious wonder, the taste of sweet humanity. That simple beauty pales in comparison to that which is the actuality of all beings. Normally we …

It’s Really Quite Funny

It’s quite funny, you know. Seeing what this is instantly awakens everyone, the everyone that is the dreaming, that is the illusion of choice and mistakes and possibilities of failure. Everything that came before is clearly seen to be the dreaming … everything, not just the stuff you don’t want or like, but everything … …

Begging Your Forgiveness

Dear Sweet Little Body, I am so sorry. I haven’t been a good friend. In fact, I’ve been a stubborn bitch who wants you to be something you aren’t, who ignored you when you didn’t comply, and unfriended you along the way. If I had a friend like me, well, it wouldn’t be pretty when …

The Promise

When Kenny was ill, we had a joke. He used to say, “Where would I go? There’s only here. There’s only now.” I’d look at him, and his precocious grin, and smile back.


Emphasis is divine, as is the entirety of this dance. Often, it seems like all mystics teachers gurus no-it-alls contradict themselves, or at least the ones we are currently paying attention to. It can drive one crazy. They point to the expressionless and leave the expression — you and me, the bloody squirming writhing human …

Life’s Masterpiece

I just had another heart event. And no, it wasn’t a blissful heart opening or spiritual breakthrough. My pacemaker-defibrillator came right up to the point of zapping me, but it seems the device was able to pace me out of v-tach without setting off its intense and deeply appreciated, but not at all enjoyed, companion. …

Independence Day

Let’s celebrate independence, independence from what others think, independence from waiting for life to match a predetermined ideal, for a now that is proof that we’ve made it, that love has won. Yes, by all means, let’s celebrate. For lifetimes we have let others define us, have let social norms determine our level of freedom, …

Stuffed Inside

How much anger is stuffed inside? Every time someone hurt me and I didn’t know how to respond … when I didn’t say something and held my tongue while my insides were slashed open … when I let the hurt pass, forcing a laugh at a friend’s joke — a friend’s not a stranger’s or …


I have zero control. I know you want me to say that’s just not true but what can I say, I cannot lie to make you feel better or to make myself feel better. I don’t work that way. Sometimes it would be nice if I could. Darn it all! It is what it is. …

The Cat’s Meow

Driving into town today I started laughing and my entire body lit up in an all-encompassing smile. I looked out upon what I have called the world and plainly saw its stunning beauty. The words, ‘form is beauty, beauty is form’ came into clear focus. Form, the world, you, me, everyone and everything, is the …

Trash Talk

I’m done trash talking this little body of mine. Love myself does include loving my body. Can’t get around it. I’ve left it behind, squirmed when I walked by the mirror naked, heck clothed for that matter, and totally ignored it when I could. No wonder it’s hurting. When I was a child my dad …

Consciously Aware

Walking in the woods this morning on my magical mysterious communion with nature I startled myself back into awakeness with the realization that I wasn’t present at all. I was deciding what bushes to prune later in the day. It was intense — that not being present. I was a bit dumbfounded and absolutely curious. …

The Sweet Spot

At the center of the cross lies the Sweet Spot, the intersection of our messy humanness and our Divine Nature. It is alive, teeming with sacred potential in a constant state of fulfillment-ing. It is the portal of eternal genesis, the fountain birthing and re-birthing each form, from quark to Universe, into timeless crystalline existence. …