The Game of Life

I’m seeing a lot of people, many considered gurus, talking about seeing the game so that we can change the game. That seems daft to me, but what do I know. If you see it’s a game, wouldn’t you have to realize that it is a game and that the game will play on regardless …

Round and Round and Round

Each ‘you’, could be replaced with I/me. I write from my experience. The habitual keeps you going round and round on the same track. It tends to spiral downward at a slow enough pace that is it unnoticeable. It is not fresh; it is dead. It is old thinking, old fears, wrapped in the guise …

Nessie –

Language — words and phrases — we are such a clever species. With the addition of ‘ness’ (something within us knew we had to invent that one) we turn adjectives into nouns, or we try to. We take attributes, qualities, seeming conditions, and flip them on their backs to rub their tummies as something definable, …

What I Called Bad …

It is fascinating to watch the world from a front row seat, to sit back and marvel at the levels of divisiveness that are splashed across the headlines, that comprise most of what is available to read. I say fascinating because I don’t know what’s right and wrong. I can feel what seems to bring …

I Used to Think … so many things

I used to think so many things, that I wouldn’t want to be a cop, to be constantly face to face with crimes of passion and desperation. I used to think that even so, I’d have been a great detective, that my mind would have reveled in the challenge, putting together pieces of the human …