Slow Down to the Speed of Love

Have you noticed? People seem to be in a big hurry, moving faster by the day. It doesn’t matter if they are going somewhere in their car, are calling to set up an appointment, or have just met someone they think could be the love of their life. There is an intense push to get …

Life is Kind That Way

It’s been an interesting evening. Well, it’s been like this for a while, but I am just now attempting to put words to it. Why? Because I can. That’s as close as I can get. It feels like I’m playing a game of Clue and polishing the pieces that have emerged, fascinated by them and …


Friendlies Watching Sophia today on our walk I wondered about inhibition and what stops humans from joining the fun like my little dog. She sees other dogs, other humans for that matter, and runs right up to them, wags her tail — hey, I’m friendly, are you? And the games begin. She is particularly fond …

The Rope and the Snake

I responded to a dear friend who asked a question about the messy human experience and how I experience it. After I wrote my response it seemed it might be worthwhile sharing with a few edits. When the dream is known to be a dream — think of the rope and snake analogy* (see below) …

Does Love Always Win?

It’s a common phrase amongst spiritual folk – Love always wins. Does it? It doesn’t seem like love always wins. It doesn’t even feel like love always wins. So … is it true? Does love win in the long run? If yes, how long a run? In my lifetime? In the lifetime of my children …

Origami Swan

Or so it was for me … Energetically, I had mastered the trick of folding my body in upon itself and wasn’t aware of my mastery. It happens at the energetic level even if it doesn’t manifest in the physical appearance. I folded myself up, tipping the crown chakra energy down towards my little Buddha …

Life’s Masterpiece

I just had another heart event. And no, it wasn’t a blissful heart opening or spiritual breakthrough. My pacemaker-defibrillator came right up to the point of zapping me, but it seems the device was able to pace me out of v-tach without setting off its intense and deeply appreciated, but not at all enjoyed, companion. …

… Killed the Cat

I thought I was free — so many times. Freedom sang louder with each shift in my ability to be with life as it is. I can’t remember how many times I said, “Wow! So, this is IT!!? How hilarious that seems now. There is no end to the loudness, no decibel level that says, …

It’s Both

Life is a wondrous adventure, a daring escapade, the preciousness of a seemingly separate being, struggling for connectedness amid the vacillating yet compelling uncertainty of letting go in full surrender to our interdependency, our inherent and abundant symbioses. The separate self screams its denial, its holy terror, clutched in outrage, spewing out its abject rejection …

… And You Dear Heart Are That

Have you glimpsed the truth of you, or at least as much of the truth as a being in form can glimpse? Are you attempting to stabilize in that grace? Does knowing you aren’t what you thought, cause a bit of a conundrum? Do you wonder, who acts? Are you confused about standing up, speaking …

Possibilities of Lived Grace

The world seems pretty damn real. It’s near impossible to be in the middle of the chaos and remain open to the possibilities of lived grace, of love, of heaven right here on Earth and yet, that is what we are asked to do if anything but what is currently made manifest is to be …

The Face of God

When I see you, it is the face of God I perceive. Touching you, it is the body of God I feel. In truth there is no me, no you, there is only God appearing as all things, all experiences, appearances arising and falling in Godmind. All perceptions hold within them this mystery, not a …

The Dance

I didn’t quite have the whole of it. Wouldn’t exactly say I was wrong, just that truth seems to be constantly expanding, or at least the understanding that is taking root here is. Isn’t that always the case with a blown open mind? How fun is that! When I wrote of the present moment I …

Of Sound Mind

“Being of sound mind there is nothing left to do. Life is what it is; I am what I am, so I revel in the now.” Looking for a cause in the causeless! Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive – to deceive myself that is! What a hoot! …

The Holy Grail

I love that point when amblings and ramblings are seen through, are seen as the penultimate in futility. It hails the crescendo of life’s symphony, the orgasm of orgasms that rebirths and reseats us as what we were before the first ‘me’ thought, our authentic Self. Life is so difficult. It offers joy and happiness …