No Truth to be Found

Truth is a fascinating concept, the idea that there is one, that it is possible to find it, and that it matters — which circles around to the first two, an it to find and someone to find it. Everyone seems to have their own version of truth. For the corporate executive that truth might …

Slow Down to the Speed of Love

Have you noticed? People seem to be in a big hurry, moving faster by the day. It doesn’t matter if they are going somewhere in their car, are calling to set up an appointment, or have just met someone they think could be the love of their life. There is an intense push to get …

Cracking Open

When your heart is breaking it feels like the pieces will never fit together again. They won’t, not in the same way. That’s is an unavoidable consequence of life. The breaking always leaves cracks, spaces where the light of loss pours itself into the world and what a gift that is!  You don’t let the …

I Do Love a Good Mystery

Does it matter? There’s nothing here appearing as everything. I have no input into what happens even though everything that happens is influenced by what I do or do not do. Each experience instantly — no more than that and less — repopulates the data field of manifestation with each new breath, each new thought, …

Rather Than Feel That …

It is amazing to me how beautifully the understanding of what this is flows into the expression of day-to-day life. I have heard it asked, why bother, why walk the path of truth at any cost. Isn’t simply living life enough. I have heard it said that getting too steeped in the search, too focused …

A Twist on Life’s Winding Road

Tensing, the body waits for the next shoe to drop. It doesn’t matter which shoe, whether it is a steel toed boot in the butt, or a six-inch heel draped in an unexpected twist on life’s winding road. We humans have no idea how tense we are, how many years of our lives we shuffle …

Laughing Buddha

Life is so strange. One moment I am fascinated with this crazy, unnameable Isness, in awe of this unreasonable aliveness, fractured to my very soul, unwilling and literally unable to even try to comprehend why there is anything here at all … and the next moment I am sighing, laughing, crying, feeling my humanity, adoring …

I’ll Own Crazy

I just read a headline: “We May Have Found the Part of the Brain Where Conscious Experience Lives.” This has been a focus of science for years, and as fun as the investigation is, it is misguided. Don’t get me wrong. I love science. I trust scientists, mostly. I enjoy reading about where their discoveries …