
On the absolute level I am not, only This Is, therefore I who don’t exist don’t have choice. It’s pretty straightforward. On the relative level it gets muddy quickly because everything is an appearance. The world and you and me are an appearance in consciousness — a majestic phantasm, an illusion beyond the capabilities of …


Forgiveness comes in waves, unexpected, glorious waves. Nothing is ever wasted, not even a sci-fi series. I’d enjoyed it., thoroughly delighted in the plots and characters, but didn’t realize how wondrous a gift these books were until today. I’d mistakenly called them something else: a bit of fluff, a fun distraction, a waste of time. …

Tree of Knowledge

If I look at Consciousness as God — yeah, I know God is a stretch and a loaded word, but play along with me — as the seamless timeless spaceless definitionless undivided changeless Now from which all form arises, in which all form appears, into which all form returns, then the form world, the cosmos …

Bursting Bubbles

How would I know I am fully anything? Fully is a fooly word. It assumes done, complete, an absolute that does not exist in the material world, and I am still alive in the material world regardless of how much wisdom I have accrued. It is through the material that words takes form, that actions …

What a Display!

What A Display! I’m always fascinated that so many of the non-dual understanding focus on what isn’t rather than what is. What isn’t is kind of fascinating, rather mind-blowing, completely Holy Wow Batman in a nothing is here sort of way. Maybe It snuck up on me, taking its time teasing out all the errant …


Manifestation! Isn’t that the reason for most everything we do? To improve or change our manifested world, not necessarily the manifest world, but our little piece of it? he one question most want to ask but think it looks bad on them is, “How do I get better betters and less of the bad?” I …

Perhaps This Is Why

I cannot touch you and yet here in this 3D simulation, the dream in Godmind, I encounter gloriously touching experiences. Perhaps, that is why we incarnate, to savor the sensation of touch, to feel a fuzzy peach, to stroke a bearded face, to glory at all the wonders of this world and marvel at these …


I’m sitting here laughing at myself. I’m hilarious. I’m also mystical magical miraculous beyond understanding. How in the dickens did I even happen? I–this me, this you, this world. It makes absolutely no sense at all. This arises, a glorious dance of improvisation, as it will, is made of the only stuff that is, consciousness, …

Chop Wood; Carry Water

Chop Wood; Carry Water So if you know this is a dream, all the way in, no scrap of shame, no bit of self left behind, does that mean that you do nothing to improve the lot of your fellow dream characters? Do you simply stand down — it’s a dream after all so why …