Time With Amaya

A Ticket to Ride

Amaya sees herself as an interpreter of holy shift, a guide through the sticky grades, and a reminder of what’s possible when you break free of the need to get anywhere at all. She helps you better understand what’s happening to you and how it fits into the larger puzzle of life. To that end, she acts as a conductor, offering support, interpreting those all too frequent what-the-hell moments along your path, offering options to help you switch from life’s common derailments and board the fast track. This is only possible because the train track is the same, Amaya’s included, even though your car and scenery are uniquely yours.

Life is the teacher, the only one. We are all its students. When we come together magic happens. Each session is different and unpredictable. It is exactly what is needed in the moment, so it is impossible to define how it works or what will happen. As you taste and sense the precious intimacy and immediacy of your life, you will find relief from the pain, from the need to deny your experience in any way, and organically discover extravagant freedom and happiness that comes into being for no reason at all.

If you are ready to trust in This That Is unfolding as your experience, Amaya can be of good use. She was born to be in service to anyone undertaking this incredible journey.

Working with Amaya Gayle I have discovered many new things about myself. I am forever grateful to her for giving me the courage to go deep within and take a look at the loving person I know I am. All aspects of my life have become more genuine. My work and my relationships with others are just the beginning. I feel far more present to participate in this journey called life. Thank you, for all that you do. —BB, Washington
Email Amaya if you want to explore possibility.


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