
This morning in the woods I came across a gentleman  hadn’t met before. As he approached he moved over off trail. Usually I am the one who does that and I thanked him for graciously giving me six feet of space. He laughed and said he was about over it. I looked at him to …

No Mistakes Here

You will do what it is in your consciousness to do as will everyone else. That cannot be stopped, changed or altered. While you might seek isolation, another may attend group events. Whereas you show compassion, another  will only care for himself. The differential is not the people, not good versus evil; it is the …

Consciously Aware

Walking in the woods this morning on my magical mysterious communion with nature I startled myself back into awakeness with the realization that I wasn’t present at all. I was deciding what bushes to prune later in the day. It was intense — that not being present. I was a bit dumbfounded and absolutely curious. …

Tipping Point

The world these days is birthing and bringing into form a rare, accelerating tipping point. It is asking us to stand with one another, to arise in unity and claim each other as our brother, as our sister regardless of skin color, gender or sexual identity. It is a tipping point because it asks us …

Fear — Which one is yours?

Are you afraid? Do you worry that the US is sliding towards fascism? Are you anxious that liberals will take over with their progressive agenda? Do you think you will be forced to be vaccinated? Are you panicked that black or brown bodies will take your job and your future? Are you uneasy thinking the …

The Time is Now

It seems This I Am (as the embodied me) is no longer willing to be sidelined. It is demanding that I step up. As I walked in the woods near my home today I was surprised at the words pouring through me; I was shaken by their power. They taunted me, not concerned at all …