It’s a BIG Day!

I’m celebrating! My new book is up on Amazon and soon to be available on kindle. The official launch is next week, so this is your early notice. The publisher is planning a splash. Exciting! Working with New Sarum Press was a great experience. They took a great book and with their loving care, sharp …

A Proving Ground for Love

I haven’t always loved as deeply as I could have. After Kenny passed I could see ways that I had fallen short, of what I am not sure. Perhaps of pure love, totally selfless love, the love that I feel and sense when I am clear and attuned to This That Is. I loved him …

Carrying Extra Weight

I’ve been beavering away on my son’s website, taking what was and stripping the old away to make way for a totally new, clean and improved, simple-y fabulous look. Another couple weeks, perhaps a tad more, and it will be up again, but not at all the same. Isn’t that a wonderful metaphor for life, …

Fear: A Muscle You’ve Built Out of Nothing

Do this; do that. Say this; don’t say that. Wear this; don’t wear that. Buy this; oh my God, don’t buy that. Eat this; whatever you do, don’t eat that.  Everyone’s got something to say, especially when they are selling something to go with it, but it’s shelled out for free too. Consummate salespeople that …

Round and Round and Round

Each ‘you’, could be replaced with I/me. I write from my experience. The habitual keeps you going round and round on the same track. It tends to spiral downward at a slow enough pace that is it unnoticeable. It is not fresh; it is dead. It is old thinking, old fears, wrapped in the guise …

Aikido for Body, Mind & Soul

What changes people? Judgement and anger? No. Having their hearts cracked open by love? Yes. You know this already. You have been moved reduced increased by love’s epiphanies.  What would happen if rather than being angry at those who cause harm, we sat down and held them in our hearts and filled them with love. …

Would You Actually Choose That?

Every of us has a religion, or two 😉, it’s just that we call them by different names. The things we sanctify, the places we shine our focus upon, are our religions. It could be a God with power over heaven and earth, a way of being, or what we believe to be the right …

The Face of Love

I believed I loved. I said the words. I acted in accord. But I did not truly love. I loved the best I could, knowing not what love is. I had no idea what it means to love, to be love. I had no idea of my true estate, the true estate of life itself, …

Slow Down to the Speed of Love

Have you noticed? People seem to be in a big hurry, moving faster by the day. It doesn’t matter if they are going somewhere in their car, are calling to set up an appointment, or have just met someone they think could be the love of their life. There is an intense push to get …

Rather Than Feel That …

It is amazing to me how beautifully the understanding of what this is flows into the expression of day-to-day life. I have heard it asked, why bother, why walk the path of truth at any cost. Isn’t simply living life enough. I have heard it said that getting too steeped in the search, too focused …

The Hero’s Journey

Life is a mystically magical tangle of highs and lows, shadow and light, happiness and sorrow. Most of us want the highs and light and happiness without that other stuff. It may be natural, but it isn’t possible. Desiring the good without any of the bad, devising ways to win and conquer, or at least …

Life Itself

It was a glorious walk this morning, earlier than normal. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, lighting the maple trees, the firs and cedars in a most spectacular display, mystically splashing their infinite shades of green against the backdrop of shadow and light. As I walked I found myself dipped in awe, in …

It Doesn’t Have to be That Way

What is, is what is. You can’t change it. It already is what is. Change, however, is always happening, so change, it will. We never know what will appear in the next breath, or if we’ll be given a next breath. It’s impossible to know. It hasn’t happened yet. There are too many variables, so …

The Reflection of Wholeness

Humans seem to want messages of love and light and quickly scroll past anything that speaks to the state in which we currently find ourselves. Reality is the totality. It is not just the yummy stuff, new modalities of healing, ways to soothe the savage beast, sitting on the meditation cushion while the world burns. …

How Would You Know — It Hasn’t Happened Yet

Boy, if that happened to me, I’d … I remember saying that. If I was diagnosed with cancer, I wouldn’t go through all that. I’d rather die. I said that after my husband died, after watching him fight the good fight for five years. According to medical science he was a survivor. He’d made it …