Don’t Forget to Celebrate

Have you noticed? Whenever someone dies, someone important to the freedom days of our youth, someone who meant something to us along the pathway of our grand unfolding, someone whose life was simply tangled up with our own, we mourn. It doesn’t seem to matter if that person was enduing immense pain, taken out in …

The Cosmic Bubblegum Machine

What would your life be like if you knew that you couldn’t do anything other than what you are doing? That may include dithering back and forth, trying to make the best decision or being impulsive and taking no heed of consequences. It could encompass getting frustrated and filled with doubt or seemingly breezing effortlessly …

It Depends

It depends on how you define human. I am guessing my definition would be different from yours. In my definition, I am a messy human just like you, just like the entire population of this glorious planet … another concept I’d need to define a bit differently as well. In the dreamworld, what most call …

Rolling in Clover

Here I go again … loving me some what ifs! What if there’s nothing wrong? What if you’ve never made a mistake? What if everything is as it is and couldn’t be any other way … or it would be? Can you relax into that? Can you let the hard times be hard, let the …

As Long as There’s An Other …

… the rattlesnake must strike I may not agree with you. Regardless of the width of the chasm separating us, why would I try to make you feel bad about your version of life? Wouldn’t that widen the gap, making it even more uncrossable? The only reason I would try to overpower your idea is …