Not Youness

Everything is real. Nothing is real. What the heck does that mean anyway? I’ve written those words before with what seemed deep understanding … and thought them appropriate. I may have been off track, short-sighted, oh call it what it is – wrong. 😉 Those two sentences insinuate separation into the storyline, albeit quite slyly, …

The Inner Maze

Sometimes it seems like we haven’t come far from the schoolyard days of calling each other names. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. If only that were true. Sure, we sucked it in, tried not to cry in front of everyone, and moved along, a little less whole, …

Inner Dimensions – Outer Expressions

The expression and its origination — no that’s not right. There is no origination, cause or source. It simply Is, expression expressing, life life-ing, the inherent nature of the design. Even design goes too far, but alas, words collide and make ‘not two’ into a string of somethings. They just can’t help themselves. The Human …