I Do Not Know

When you pop out-of-body, what pops? What is left behind to be seen? If what you are is not embodied flesh and blood, or spirit encased in a body, what are you? The very fact that an out-of-body experience is possible opens Pandora’s box to many questions that seem unanswerable, to many answers that are …

The Burning Bush

Is it enough to simply love, to love simply? Can we stop right here and let love work its magic without our interference … and what is interference but opinion preference judgment — the right-eousness of separation, the shaping of reality into a form other than love. That’s life as most know it — layers …

Possibilities of Lived Grace

The world seems pretty damn real. It’s near impossible to be in the middle of the chaos and remain open to the possibilities of lived grace, of love, of heaven right here on Earth and yet, that is what we are asked to do if anything but what is currently made manifest is to be …


Do you tend to think of grace as something wonderful, a bit of unexpected goodwill, an unearned moment of heaven on earth? I used to see grace that way. It’s a beautiful way to see it, quite natural, built right into our culture’s ethos. It’s also the view from separation, something unexplainable outside of me …

The Essential Conversation

The Essential Conversation A: If This is all there IS, that means my will has never existed, that Its will has always been in charge. Y:  Does that mean I am a puppet of This, will-less and flopping in the breeze on the stage of life? A: No. It’s worse than that … and better …

The Gate

What is the sound of a tree falling without the ear to hear it, or at least a mechanical ear, a sound recorder? What is the sparkle of starlight without an eye to perceive it? Does one exist without the other? They are intimately woven together. The idea of one without the other is a …


My friend Anrael wrote this of my last post, God and the Dark One: “There’s a shift pointed to in this writing that works it’s way through the entire system, including organs, bones, nervous system and brain functioning. A different implicit understanding of Isness inhabits the body system by system and cell by cell…gets lived …


Are you happy? It’s an important question because at your core you are happiness itself. Do the beliefs you hold bring you happiness or do they cause your beautiful self to contract a bit? Do your ideas about life cradle your wide open heart, that which is more natural to you than breathing, or do …

Powerful or Powerless?

We don’t easily accept the reality of no free will. I’ve always known it was true although I didn’t quite understand how it could be. Observing my life, it sure looked like I had it, at the very least on occasion, but something within kept saying no even to that compromise. The idea of no …

The Ultimate It Factor

What you call life is Consciousness. Everything, every experience arises from, arises in and dissolves back into Consciousness. It is the Ultimate It Factor of Life. If you sit and meditate and have cosmic experiences they arise in and return to Consciousness. As a seeker, if you practice any of the seemingly infinite possibilities: sadhanas, …

Hiding in Plain Sight

I love movies, especially sci-fi, although lately I’ve been enjoying a wide variety of films. Subtitled films are some of the best. They keep me so wrapped up in the words and visuals I easily space that I am watching a movie. I am instantly transported to Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, or I find …


Expectation is powerful. It is beyond anything I had realized and I had discovered most of its secrets. From this locus of experiencing, it is awe-fully awful-ly important, one of the deeply misunderstood enigmas of Life. Expectation is sneaky. Even when I get that the separate self is a lie, that it has never truly …

The Bodhi Tree

Last night I was graced with crystal clear seeing of the twisted lie that is the separate self. It, as usual, came on the heels of hell night.   Yesterday started with a big bang – a body shock that set my world reeling. It was not the device implanted in my chest. It was …