Life is Kind That Way

It’s been an interesting evening. Well, it’s been like this for a while, but I am just now attempting to put words to it. Why? Because I can. That’s as close as I can get. It feels like I’m playing a game of Clue and polishing the pieces that have emerged, fascinated by them and …

The Hero’s Journey

Life is a mystically magical tangle of highs and lows, shadow and light, happiness and sorrow. Most of us want the highs and light and happiness without that other stuff. It may be natural, but it isn’t possible. Desiring the good without any of the bad, devising ways to win and conquer, or at least …

Life Itself

It was a glorious walk this morning, earlier than normal. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, lighting the maple trees, the firs and cedars in a most spectacular display, mystically splashing their infinite shades of green against the backdrop of shadow and light. As I walked I found myself dipped in awe, in …

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

Life’s basic building block is consciousness, or at the least, that is as much as this appearance in consciousness at present is able to grok. Consciousness, a word, not unlike every word, can only point to that which is inconceivable since it is as deep or shallow as its perceiver. What we perceive is a …

Nothing But Mud in the Middle

It’s a puzzle and all puzzles have edges, the outliers of the mass of contradiction within. Within the puzzle of aliveness lies every possible imagining, and those quite unimaginable to the opposing edges. It’s cool that puzzles, like life, have edges all around, edges of the polarities, left and right, up and down, all across, …

This Dark Beauty

The idea of death is for the living. Death has no meaning for the one no longer in form. Death is felt by the ones left behind, or it is glossed over with polite triteness, watchful escapism: It’s okay, she’s gone to a better place, he is flying with the angels, they’ve gone home to …

Can You Hear the Roar?

We live in a world that teaches, expects, commands exclusion. Competition, boundaries, judgement, winners and losers, families – those we love and those we don’t, is built right in, the silent, or not so silent, operating structure of separation. What we are, what this is, is inclusion, simple, basic, all-in, never was two, actuality. To …

Voyeuristic Delight

How could we ever be strangers. Even the idea of it strays far from the actuality of life. It seems true, appears to be so, and at the same time is an utter impossibility. When we slide into home plate, fresh from our sojourn into form, will we look at one another and see strangers, …