The Struggle that I Took On

I wonder … if I hadn’t had the experiences life granted me, who would I be? If instead of adversity I had been given ease, abundance, and love, would I be this version of me? It doesn’t seem so. Looking at a friend’s pictures, a friend who hasn’t seen death, who still is surrounded by …

Fear: A Muscle You’ve Built Out of Nothing

Do this; do that. Say this; don’t say that. Wear this; don’t wear that. Buy this; oh my God, don’t buy that. Eat this; whatever you do, don’t eat that.  Everyone’s got something to say, especially when they are selling something to go with it, but it’s shelled out for free too. Consummate salespeople that …

Will You Celebrate?

Will you celebrate life, your life, right now, right here, exactly as it appears? You can do what you’re going to do and still celebrate. Can you stop … and sit down … and let life be as it is or are you still jonesing for a fight, even a small one, so much so …

The Game of Life

I’m seeing a lot of people, many considered gurus, talking about seeing the game so that we can change the game. That seems daft to me, but what do I know. If you see it’s a game, wouldn’t you have to realize that it is a game and that the game will play on regardless …

Round and Round and Round

Each ‘you’, could be replaced with I/me. I write from my experience. The habitual keeps you going round and round on the same track. It tends to spiral downward at a slow enough pace that is it unnoticeable. It is not fresh; it is dead. It is old thinking, old fears, wrapped in the guise …

Nessie –

Language — words and phrases — we are such a clever species. With the addition of ‘ness’ (something within us knew we had to invent that one) we turn adjectives into nouns, or we try to. We take attributes, qualities, seeming conditions, and flip them on their backs to rub their tummies as something definable, …

What I Called Bad …

It is fascinating to watch the world from a front row seat, to sit back and marvel at the levels of divisiveness that are splashed across the headlines, that comprise most of what is available to read. I say fascinating because I don’t know what’s right and wrong. I can feel what seems to bring …

I Used to Think … so many things

I used to think so many things, that I wouldn’t want to be a cop, to be constantly face to face with crimes of passion and desperation. I used to think that even so, I’d have been a great detective, that my mind would have reveled in the challenge, putting together pieces of the human …

We Didn’t Listen

I don’t like the God of Abraham, the God of War, of punishment, of hell and damnation, of violence and retribution, and a seemingly abiding need to be loved, the God who split himself into thirds to cause trouble, or sent deliberately mixed messages to the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims, initiating covenants in …

No One Goes Home Alone

Yesterday I wrote about the end times philosophy of the Big 5 religions and added in left wing ascension theorists to the mix. Each has its own version of the hero’s triumphant return, of those in the know who at last find their place, who find their forever home, who rewrite the story playing out …

Before You Await Your Ascension …

For years the spiritual left, as well as the fundamentalist right, have been predicting a mass awakening, a shift in consciousness, movement from the horrors of this world that will usher in a more user-friendly realm. Some see that as happening with the return of their particular hero. It’s interesting to note that depending on …

What Are Your Impossible Things?

We are, this is, the higher level and the seemingly mundane or lower level. Laughing. The ideas of levels is one the ways the human brain splits apart this that is not two in order to try to grok what’s happening here. No one really knows, no matter how smart or sure they sound. This …

Tipping Sacred Cows

It’s an interesting balancing act, a high wire extravaganza, being in the world, but not of it. If that was accurate, one little slip and you’d be flying through thin air. Thankfully, that isn’t quite right since the words, ‘not of it’, give a sense of the world being somehow less than whatever the ‘not …

Aikido for Body, Mind & Soul

What changes people? Judgement and anger? No. Having their hearts cracked open by love? Yes. You know this already. You have been moved reduced increased by love’s epiphanies.  What would happen if rather than being angry at those who cause harm, we sat down and held them in our hearts and filled them with love. …

Ease and Grace

It is only natural to want ease and grace, to desire the indisputable revelation of right purpose and true meaning in life. Most of us feel like something is missing, and if we can just find it all will be well. That’s a pretty big draw, a reason to stay in the saddle, to tilt …